Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sept Classes

Hey guys! here is the tentitive schedule for Sept. I will be adding or minusing classes depending on my work schedule. If a class is cancelled feel free to still meetup and go for a stroll!!

Will be working on the workout videos over the next few weeks so if you miss a class you will still have all the exercises :D

I will also be posting healthy recipes every week!! More classes will be added!

Sunday Sept 11th
11am Wolseley Loop (meet at Wolseley school playground) walk/jog intervals & park workouts
6pm HarborView (Meeting place TBA) walk/jog intervals

Friday Sept 16th
7pm Dakota Greenway (meet at dakota street parking lot) walk/jog intervals/legs

Saturday Sept 17th
10am Cardio Salsa (Wolseley School field) MOMMY Only!! 15 max, 5 min people to run

Friday Sept 23rd
7pm Dakota Greenway (meet at dakota street parking lot) walk/jog intervals/legs

Sunday Sept 25th
11am Wolseley Loop (meet at Wolseley school playground) walk/jog intervals & park workouts
6pm Cardio Salsa  HarborView (Meeting place TBA) Mommy only! 15max, 5 min to run

Friday Sept 30th
7pm Dakota Greenway!

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